Solar Earthing Cable
Single core PVC insulated electric flexible wire :
Conductor:high conductivity of copper class 2
Insulated material:PVC
Rated Voltage:450/750V
Standard:227IEC02, 227IEC06
Admissible long time working temperature of conductors:70 degrees.
The PVC Insulated Wire belong to series of laying wires, which are mainly suitable for laying at the fixed places.
They are widely used as connectors of driving, lighting, electric equipments, instrument and telecommunication
equipments with rated voltage up to 450/750V(UO/U).
Standard 60227IEC02,GB5023.3-97 AS/NZS 5000.1
Rated voltage 300/500V or 450/750V
300/500V Nominal section 0.3-0.4-0.5-0.75-1.0MM2
450/750V Nominal section 1.5-2.5-4-6-10MM2
Flexible copper PVC insulated electrical wires:
Rated voltage:450/750V
Conductor:high conductivity of flexible copper
Insulation:PVC(polyvinyl chloride)
Laying place and requirement: Mainly used at middle and light style moving electronics,home applicances,
power and lighting and the places where flexible required.
The general characteristics of PVC insulated wire
1. Range of Application
PVC insulated wire is fit for AC rated voltage 450/750V and below of domestic electrical appliances of smaller size
motorized tools of instruments of various meters and motorized lighting installations.
2. Service Conditions
Long term working temperature of conductor:no more than 70degrees
3.Specification size and technical data
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